A #BBloggers History Lesson...

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Okay - so Here it is. Plenty of us want to know - Plenty of us have asked...
This post is long overdue. 

How did #bbloggers Start? Who originally came up with the idea && how did it become what it is today? 
I am here today to give you the straight and honest facts. I can't tell you why the people before me let it pass on - I can't tell you why they started it, but I can tell you where it has been and who has had it. 

I am also going to give you links to posts that were written at the very beginning. 
Many people have said that I have 'created' rules that weren't there before... 
but as you will read - I haven't. 

The only thing I have done was make the whole thing a bit more organized. 
The girls before me; did an amazing job too. 

May 15, 2011{The FIRST EVER #bbloggers Chat} 
Fee of www.makeupsavvy.co.uk is the original creator of the chat. 
{click here} to read the first post ever written about the chat. 
The first chat happened at 8:00 PM UK time that night. 

The next few weeks - Fee wrote posts before and after the chats && from what I can tell she began asking people not to spam during the chats. She asked for re-tweets to be tweeted without the hashtag and asked for no spamming during the chats. 

Here are a few more posts from her blog. 

Some have said that there used to never be topics - this is not true {as you can see from above}

June 12, 2011
Fee decided to pass the {as she called it} 'Host of the #bbloggers chat' onto someone else. 
You can read about that {here}. 

She 'hosted' the chat on June 19, 2011, but after that I'm not sure what happened. 

From June 19 until July 17th - I gather that there was no 'host' - and there weren't any topics. The chat  just ran without topics. 

July 17, 2011
On July 17, 2011 - this post was posted by the lovely Lily over at Beauty's bad habit blog
In her own words: "After all of the fantastic #bbloggers chats on Twitter, I know I wasn't the only one who wondered where it would head once Fee of Make-up Savvy stepped out to let it run on its own. After tonight's #bbloggers chat, it became clear that a lot of tweeters felt that it was beginning to lose its direction and I had to agree. Instead of letting it die, I thought I'd help to organize it instead! Please don't think of me as 'the #bbloggers leader' - I'm not. I've come up with as many ideas to make sure that YOU the bloggers get as much say as possible about how the chat will run."

&& this is where the official 'POLL' was created. She also began requesting that links not be posted until after the chat. 
"All I ask is that you leave posting blog links to the END of the chat, unless it is relevant to the topic that week."

She also created 'moderators' - something I haven't considered because I wanted to eliminate the need for moderators; by creating a system where we all respect each other enough to not need them. 

August 21, 2011
&& so it begins. You can read {here} where Lily started having some trouble with the chats. 
"but you aren't the person getting the backlash of abuse and snarky comments when dramas kick off. I am. So, each week I try to think up relatively safe, new, decent topics and after five weeks it's getting difficult."

You can see that she was starting to feel the effects of hosting a chat with so many different opinions. 

October 16, 2011
Lily wrote a post titled 'No #bbloggers this week" You can read that {here} and decide for yourself how she was feeling. In the comments of this post - one person mentions that maybe #bbloggers has run it's course; but other's don't want to see it end. Who do you side with? 

I will always side with the one's who don't want it to end - because it won't hurt the one's who want it to end. They can just stop coming if they don't want to take part. 

the end of October 
I started to realize that their weren't polls and that people kept asking 'what's the topic' - some people welcomed the general chats; while other's wanted organization and wanted a topic to talk about. The chats started to consist of people asking 'what is the topic' and other's saying that 'it needed to be organized' - so I decided to contact Lily to ask what was going on. 

She let me know that she was in school and decided that she couldn't organize it anymore. 
I asked her if it would be okay if I did. She said yes and posted {this post}

November 6, 2011

From November 2011 until July 2012 
I hosted the poll on my blog. 

July 2012 - current
A #bbloggers blog was suggested by a #bblogger and this blog was created. 

Nothing has changed in regards to the chat. 
We still have a poll, we still have a topic, and we still ask for links not to be posted. 

There aren't any rules - because twitter is a free place. 
You can do what you want to do; we can't force someone not to post links. 
We are however; allowed to ask nicely not too. 

We have places for you to leave topic suggestions, we ask you to let us know if you have any questions or comments, we put a poll up every week and YOU vote on the topics. The topics are chosen by #bbloggers; not by us. 

We can't stop drama from happening; that's not what we are here to do. 
We host the polls and we post the topic. 
What happens during the one hour of chat time is completly up to all of YOU. 

If you want to get bitchy; then go ahead and do it. 
We can't stop you. 
If someone offends you - it's not our fault. 

Perhaps we should say: 'Chat at your own risk' 
we are a bunch of girls - and girls can be bitchy and competitive.
In the end - we do support each other and we are a community. 
There is no such thing as a perfect community. 

I really hope this little 'History Lesson' helps you in some way! 
If anything - we all have the facts now right? 

xoxo, Nykki 

9 comments on "A #BBloggers History Lesson..."
  1. Hopefully this will put all the questions that appear to be so burning to rest! Great summery Nikki

  2. Wow I enjoyed reading this, all my questions answered, thanks xo

    1. Great!! I am so glad it helped!! :)

      Remember if you ever have any other questions that come up; I'm always here to answer them!

      xo, Nykki

  3. Good post Nykki! It was interesting to read :)


  4. I actually didn't know the history so it nice to have a link to guide people when it's asked about. :) x

  5. I can't believe people get so worked up about this kind of thing. Surely it is only a chat once a week. I can not believe the bitchy-ness that comes about, and the fact you feel like you have to prove yourself to these people, saying you didn't 'create the rules' etc. Really?? Surely its just a bit of fun??! You obviously go to a lot of trouble with the whole website etc, is it all really necessary.

    All of this carry on makes me happy I did delete my blog. I just can't be bothered with the politics of it all.

  6. Thank you for keeping #bbloggers going Nykki. I really appreciate the hard work that it has taken to keep it going after all the 'politics'.

    Without the Wednesday and Sunday chats I wouldn't have been able to meet so many fellow beauty bloggers who share their tips and friendships every week. At my age it's nice to have these couple of hours a week where I can go online and escape to a community of women who, in my experience, support and nurture each other. Even when I haven't been able to blog in several days I still pop in and say hi to everyone.

    Thank you again. If you ever need any support feel free to ask.

    Wendy | Paint the UK Pink blog


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