Are you looking for some extra exposure?
We're both bloggers ourselves & know how hard it is to get noticed in this gigantic blogging world! We would love to help out! Just grab yourself a spot & we will be on our way to getting you some extra readers.
We currently have:
{19.8 K} Twitter followers || {1027} BL readers || {1298} GFC readers
We are making it nice & easy; one space. one price. Get it today.
- {2} twitter mentions per week. This will include a shoutout of a new blog post, giveaway, or random shout out, as well as a weekly #FF mention. That's a total of 8 twitter mentions.
- Your blog banner + a short paragraph about you and you blog will be included in the Monthly Advertisers post.
Please contact us if you would like a spot & we will send you all the necessary information. Our email address:
Let's get started! :)
All Advertisers start on the 1st of the Month!